This will be a weekend of busy!
Starting with Friday and a shopping trip to Walmart to purchase things that Cherise (my daughter) will need in her new apartment! That was fun! Pots, Pans, Towels, Sheets.. all the little things you dont think of .. till you need it!
Saturday was off to a slow start .. kind of lazy! But off to my sisters house to see my nephews their kids and say goodbye to a dear friend and his family who are moving away. SO it will be a day of little kids, big kids, kisses, hugs, laughs and swimming! No tears because it is a happy move! Also saying see ya.. to my son who will be moving to NJ in a week! Then my studio work begins!
Sunday is moving day! Cherise, Larry and Justin move in the apartment! Of course I will go to help... but Im not picking up boxes! I will point and direct!
Hopefully in this busy time I will be able to do something creative for me! Well I was able to blog and for this I am happy! Have a great weekend.. oh and check me out on Creative Souls! Badge is to the right at the bottom!
5 months ago
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