No I don't mean roots to be colored by hair dye! lol.. though we have those too!
I mean Roots, where we came from, why we do what we do and why we are who we are...
I was cleaning up some pictures today on my computer. You know dumping duplicates, extra pics of things you have no clue what or who they are.
I came across some wonderful pictures of my family and my Mom and Dad. When I was fixing the pictures, turning them right side up etc.. it dawned on me .. this is where my Mom creates... ala the Somerset magazine "Where Woman Create". We (the whole family) went to Oregon last year in October to celebrate my parents 60th yes that's not a typo..60th Anniversary! They were married on June 12, 1948! We celebrated in October just due to everyones availabilty from work. It was great to be all together for a change. Two of the kids were missing, my son who was in the AirForce and could not get leave and my brothers oldest son who was ill.
While we were there we were able to take some great pictures. I have posted below some of the pics. My Mom and Dad are very talented people. My mom was a professional seamstress in NYC since she was in high school. My Grandfather (her Dad)and my Uncle (her brother) and my Father had all at one point in there lives owned dress shops. My mother grew up around sewing and creating. She is amazingly talented. She sewed all her bridesmaids dresses, my grandfather sewed her wedding gown and my mom sewed my wedding gown and my sisters also. As a kid I would watch my mom sew. She would work all day at home on the shoes my Dad would bring home for her to make. Dad worked for Capezio Ballet Makers. There he was the forman of the fitting room. He had people reporting to him, they sewed the top parts (uppers) of the shoes together. Dad could make a shoe, fix a machine, soothe some pmsing seamstress and still come home and work again at night as a t.v. repairman!
Well with all this talent in the family, I guess its only natural that I follow suit! I hope you enjoy my pics!
5 months ago
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